Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Drawing my roommates~


It all started with a small birthday card, hehe... Now I wanna do some watercolour doodles xP

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Hands Study a.k.a. musicians have cool hands

This piece was painted back in early 2012 while I was still in highschool. The old guy is a composer named Leonard Bernstein who composed the music for "West Side Story". I didn't know that when I painted this (plus I love the movie!) and the only reason I painted him as my subject was because I really liked his hands, haha.

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Rep. Drawing from 2012

I'm back from summer break and now in school again! I don't have any new stuff to upload, but I found this lying around in storage. This was done for my rep. drawing class last year and I remember hating myself for making such a hard subject to draw.