Friday, 4 October 2013

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

decorative WIP

Progress work of my decorative piece for school! I'll talk more about it when I post the final version.

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Drawing my roommates~


It all started with a small birthday card, hehe... Now I wanna do some watercolour doodles xP

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Hands Study a.k.a. musicians have cool hands

This piece was painted back in early 2012 while I was still in highschool. The old guy is a composer named Leonard Bernstein who composed the music for "West Side Story". I didn't know that when I painted this (plus I love the movie!) and the only reason I painted him as my subject was because I really liked his hands, haha.

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Rep. Drawing from 2012

I'm back from summer break and now in school again! I don't have any new stuff to upload, but I found this lying around in storage. This was done for my rep. drawing class last year and I remember hating myself for making such a hard subject to draw.

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Cultural Icon project

This was the final project for my conceptual process class where we had to combine two cultural icons to convey a certain message/statement. Mine was Kim Jung Un and "Where The Wild Things Are".

Wednesday, 17 April 2013


One of the skeleton drawings I had to do for my life drawing portfolio from my first semester!

Hands & Feet/Facial Muscle Structure

Just three of the many (many!) drawings I did for my life drawing class.

B&W Rep. Drawing

Sorry for the crap photo 8'D

Monday, 15 April 2013

Beyond Sleep

My contribution to the artbook 'Make History' that just recently got printed by Array Sheridan, a group of first year illustration students (which I am a part of!!).

Check out our official website here!

Sunday, 14 April 2013


A caricature of myself that I did for school 8)


Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Water colour practices

Some water colour paintings that I did in class from the beginning of this semester (1st term). Now we've switched back to acrylics, but I'm gonna miss painting in water colours 8'D

Monday, 4 February 2013

Final for Design Principles

My final for my Design Principles class. We were to narrate a passage from a few fairy tales that were given to us and I chose to do Snow White.

Secret Santa 2012

Hope everyone had a great end of the year as well as a fantastic start of the year! It's a month late, but I thought I'd upload what I drew for my secret santas 8)

The people in my 1st year program decided to have a secret santa event so I joined in too. My secret santa requested something either fantasy or zombie related. I tried drawing zombies first, but halfway through the sketching I got kind of disturbed by the idea of them (and their faces) and decided to do a fantasy piece instead, haha. xP

My friends and I back at home decided to start a secret santa tradition and this year was our second one! I ended up getting one of my closest friends and decided to draw a portrait of her and her cornish rex. I was in a hurry and didn't manage to get a picture of it finished, but here's a wip that I snapped while inking it!